Celebrating Holly-Days

Some of you know we are super Solstice celebrators at our house. We toss off "Happy Holidays" as our most used greeting as soon as Thanksgiving rolls around and never stop. I am forever humming and singing Irving Berlin's "Happy Holidays" and try to avoid getting huffy when people insist on telling me "Jesus is the reason for the season."  OK, no problem for you but I see it more like:

I don't often reply with that, of course; that wouldn't be very holly-day of me.

And really, whose to say what all our friends, neighbors and community members celebrate through late fall and early winter? I'd rather include than exclude.

So (no surprise again) I find all this "war on Christmas" stuff silly. I think the only war is the conflict people have within themselves to simply be kind and accept others' differences and beliefs.

I am fond of this image credited to Dave Lieberman (found on Joey DeVilla's blog a few years ago)

There's alot to be said for this. I'm all in.

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